RefSeq GCF_000210995.1
Organism Streptococcus pneumoniae SPN034156
Topology Circular
Lineage Bacteria, Firmicutes, Bacilli, Lactobacillales, Streptococcaceae, Streptococcus.
Assembly level Complete
Chromosome size 2024476 nt
Chromosome GC content 0.40
The location of GC disparity extremes 1110656 nt (minimum), 141706 nt (maximum)
Indicator genes
  • rpmH      849163 ... 849297 nt
  • dnaA      1108344 ... 1109705 nt
  • dnaN      1109864 ... 1111000 nt
  • gidA      1264410 ... 1266323 nt
Accessory proteins of chromosome replication
Replication origins
You can click the link here to view the detailed information of each replication origin.
Fig. 1 The interactive Z-curve figure.
Fig. 2 The interactive Z-curves rotated at the maximum of the GC disparity.