RefSeq GCF_000211075.1
Organism Streptococcus pneumoniae SPN032672
Topology Circular
Lineage Bacteria, Firmicutes, Bacilli, Lactobacillales, Streptococcaceae, Streptococcus.
Assembly level Complete
Chromosome size 2131190 nt
Chromosome GC content 0.40
The location of GC disparity extremes 837829 nt (minimum), 2131066 nt (maximum)
Indicator genes
  • dnaN      837555 ... 838691 nt
  • dnaA      838850 ... 840211 nt
  • rpmH      1105240 ... 1105374 nt
  • gidA      1283102 ... 1285015 nt
Accessory proteins of chromosome replication
Replication origins
You can click the link here to view the detailed information of each replication origin.
Fig. 1 The interactive Z-curve figure.
Fig. 2 The interactive Z-curves rotated at the maximum of the GC disparity.